Country Dance Music Radio ran from May to December 2020.
I am now running public domain music at
Your browser should be able to stream that these ways:
- From your browser (just click)
- Your favorite streaming music player. I recommend Triode for Mac and iPhone.
- Free within Second Life in your parcel's Sound tab. You can also hear it here:
I also recommend Ceol.FM, a collection of high-quality Irish muic. They have several channel. (It is pronounced key-OHL.)
I call contra dances. It’s fun and a great way to return to the community that’s meant a lot to me.
I am learning to write iOS apps. I keep a blog sometimes of the problems I solved so I can remember the solutions later.
I have memorial pages for some of the people I’ve known who have moved on. Missing pages does not mean I’m missing them less, just that after a while this happens too often.